Everyone seems to be over 2020 for one reason or another. No worries, Christmas is in full effect in most parts of the United States, led by stores adding Christmas trees decoration even before Halloween. With less than six weeks to the new year, 2020 had some great statistics vital to how we look at the internet's growing infrastructure.
#1: Streaming
Hootsuite posted in July; there was an overall increase across the board in devices, especially streaming videos, podcasts, and playing video games.

#2: You Got Mail
From the movie with Tom Hanks to over 80% of Microsoft Office users at work, email seems to be the most fluid way to communicate with co-workers, businesses, and friends. It used to be a treat to go to your inbox to see if you got a message. NOW: I think most of us do not want to open the icon, but most.

#3: Buy Now
Out of all of the statistics about internet use, the market share of e-commerce has one leader: Amazon. No fact-checking is needed. As a society, our need for instant delivery has been growing and got worse during the shutdown. Online merchants gained an extra $107 billion in 2020 thanks to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Our access to the internet has been changing over the years. During a time of the shutdown, access to your computer, streaming, and phone devices seemed to soothe a need for connections when social distancing was required. COVID or not, ensuring your business or household infrastructure can cope with bandwidth's growing demands is a concern and will not change in 2021 either.